How I turned the tide on my body image

There was a time when I would catch my eye in the mirror as I transitioned from the shower and into my towel to dry off and pop my clothes on. I would pause for a moment, notice my body peeping out of my towel and cover myself back up in disgust. Quickly I would tug on my jeans and pull an oversized jumper over my head. 

I never realised this was something I had been subconsciously doing, never thinking twice about how I felt in my own body; or how that would affect my relationships, eating habits, self confidence and ability to live a full and happy life. I had never given it a second thought. 

When I started learning more about my own body, how it is incredibly responsive to the food, thoughts and environment it is continually fed with, I began to understand. 

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This constant self loathing was seriously making my subconscious mind think that ‘one day I will look good’. I was looking for reasons to not love my body NOW and my mind was looking for ways to validate that. You might have experienced this in action if you’ve ever been looking at buying a new car and suddenly you see that same car everywhere. Your brain is searching for the things that you are focussing on. 

“I was doing the same thing to my body image. Every. Single. Day. The impact this was having long-term was considerable.”

Learning that I could change my thoughts, send love to myself when I was having a less desirable thought and truly learn how to like my own body has been a miracle. Already since implementing a few simple steps I have been able to feel so much more confident in my body, clothes and around people.  

Here are a few things I have loved to do that have changed the way I feel; never underestimate the power of the small things. 

  • Speaking affirmations out loud to myself - this is literally affirming to yourself that this is good and it helps your mind look for the things in life that prove it’s true. 

  • Actively admiring my body in the mirror when I get out of the shower, because I am allowed to be my own biggest admirer. 

  • Opening up a conversation with my partner and my friends about how I feel, allowing myself to receive their support and encouragement. 

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Try speaking these affirmations out loud, remembering to believe in your words; 

“I love my body and my body loves me!” 

“I believe in myself and my power!” 

“I am worthy, I am loved, I am enough.” 

Hannah xx


"Mindset Matters"
