Why Ovulation is Important (Whether or Not You're Trying to Conceive)
“I’m not ready to have babies.”
“I don’t want children.”
“I have an irregular cycle.”
You might be wondering, why is ovulation important?
Whether or not you would like have children in the future, ovulating is a key part of your overall health.
Your body decides to ovulate only when it feels safe to do so.
When you’re under-eating, eating poorly or over-exercising, this can lead to menstrual cycle problems.
Your menstrual cycle health is a good indicator of your overall health as your hormones are affected by just about everything you do.
When your body feels safe to do so, an egg will begin to mature in your ovaries and when everything is perfect, it will burst out on the day of your ovulation.
Post-ovulation, your body starts to produce more Progesterone; the dominant hormone for the second half of your cycle.
Progesterone is beneficial for bone health, sleep, mood regulation and helps to regulate blood pressure.
In order to have a “true” period, you MUST ovulate. Your period always comes the exact same number of days after you ovulate, every single time! (The length of time is unique to you which is GREAT NEWS for all of you with irregular periods, as if you can identify ovulation, you’ll know when your period is coming EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.)
If you’re on the Hormonal Contraceptive Pill (HCP), your bleed is not a true period, but in fact, a withdrawal bleed (withdrawal from the synthetic hormones used in the HCP), as the HCP works by preventing ovulation.
Ovulation is ESSENTIAL to your overall health and helps to boost your mood, improve your sleep and your bone density via post-ovulation Progesterone production.
Ovulation is pretty awesome, if I may say so myself! What do you think?