What's the difference between an oil cleanser and a water-based cleanser?

Oil removes oil, remember that! As the skin produces it's own natural oils, and we go about our day, dirt can get caught in the naturally oily pores in our skin. An oil cleanser can reach into these pores, mix with the oil in them and help lift out the dissolved dirt. Leaving the skin moisturised and well balanced whilst retaining some of the natural oil on our skin.

A water-based cleanser often uses a foaming action in order to mix the water and oil together, as the water and oil would naturally repel one another. Lifting out the impurities in the pores by removing the natural oil from the skin.


How many cleansers do I need?

As our skin is constantly changing, it is useful to have a couple of cleansers and moisturisers in your arsenal. One to reach for on your drier skin days, and one for the oilier days.

In order to keep our skin clean and not disrupt the natural balance of the skin, or bring the skin back into a more balanced state, it can be useful to use products that slightly differ in their ability to hydrate the skin.

The Cycle Cleanser Collection has an oil cleanser for each half of your menstrual cycle (which just so happen to line up with how your skin changes every cycle! We aren't all fancy words and no brains, promise!). We could have a different skincare product made for every day of our lives as the skin is CONSTANTLY changing but that just wouldn't be ideal! 2 cleansers is enough to really help work with your skin and begin to notice a difference in your overall skin health.


How do I oil cleanse?

Apply a small amount of oil to the palm of your hand, either morning or night, and massage into your face.

Using a clean washcloth rinsed under a warm faucet, wring out the excess water and steam your face for a moment.

Repeat this twice before gently removing excess oil, rinse cloth and repeat to leave face feeling clean and non-greasy.


How often should I oil cleanse?

We recommend oil cleansing once daily, it is often best to oil cleanse at the opposite time of day to when you bathe/shower.


How often should I use a facial oil?

As you're now using an oil cleanser as your skin is changing, your skin should start becoming more balanced and as you understand what is going on with your skin more, you may find that you need to moisturise a lot less.

Water-based cleansers tend to remove the natural oil on our skin and in order to rehydrate, we must use a moisturiser.

However, when using oil cleansers, our skin is naturally more hydrated, more of the time, and you may find that you only feel the need to moisturise every now and again.

Try using one drop of facial oil on your face when your skin is feeling particularly dry, this may be once a week or so, or less frequently. It's up to you now!


How do I use a facial oil?

Pop a drop on your fingertips and gently warm the oil between your fingers, then dab the oil gently onto your face. You can use a roller or gua sha if you like.


What's your returns policy?

Our returns policy is outlined HERE


How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is based on the weight, location and size of your goods, to get a delivery estimate, add the items to your cart and select your shipping country at checkout before entering your card details.

To read more about our shipping policies, click HERE


What do I do for my oil cleansing routine if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is useful to consult your trusted medical professional about the use of any products that may interact with prescribed medications or with your preganacy/baby. We use natural essential oils in our skincare products in a low percentage. Some studies reccommend avoiding certain essential oils depending on the stage of your pregnancy, or if breastfeeding. Please do your research on this topic if you are interested, there's a lot of misinformation around essential oils and as fantastic and safe as they usually are when used correctly, they are potent plant extracts and should be treated with some level of caution. Thankfully, we do NOT use any synthetic chemicals, parfum, or ingredients known to cause hormone disruption or have a carcinogenic effect, so you can rest assured that all of our products are made to be as close to nature as possible. However, we do not take any responsibility if you are to use our products during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Hart Skincare takes no responsibility for the misuse of our products and is not in a position to offer medical advice so please contact a qualified professional.


I am using hormonal contraceptives, what do I do with my oil cleansing routine?

Hormonal birth control (HBC)'s change the natural course of the menstrual cycle and change the appearance of the skin. If you are currently using hormonal contraceptives, you do not currently have a menstrual cycle, even if you still bleed. The bleed you get when on hormonal contraceptives is a withdrawral bleed and not a true period. When on HBC, the menstrual cycle doesn't work in the same way it would naturally; your natural cycle has been supressed by the synthetic forms of your sex hormones. However, this does not mean that you don't flow with the natural cycles of the moon or the seasons.

If you're still wanting to connect back in with a monthly cycle, you may find it helpful to cycle your skincare routine with the moon cycles, syncing the Menstrual phase with the New Moon. Otherwise you can use the seasons as a guide but also tap into how your skin is behaving and use your skincare intuitively.