5 ways to harness the power of your menstrual cycle.
In order to begin harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle, its essential to connect with your body and know that it is capable of healing.
Did you know?
You shouldn’t experience much (if any!) pain throughout your cycle. PMS and period cramping should be totally minimal.
Many menstruators have been led to believe that menstrual pain is ‘normal’ and that debilitating cramps and other crazy symptoms are just a part of having a womb. These things should not be so bad that they are affecting your quality of life, and if they are, its time to seek help from a qualified naturopath or your fave healthcare provider.
Now, a level of understanding needs to happen before you can determine whether some things are a part of being YOU and a regular part of your hormonal cycle or if there is something else at play. So this is where tracking your own body is crucial so that you can tell your healthcare provider exactly what you’re experiencing and at what point in your cycle.
Did you know?
Normal hormone fluctuations cause changes in your libido, digestion, energy levels, moods, concentration, desire to socialise and more! Your hormones are awesome (and can become the ultimate productivity tool) when you know how to harness them!
5 ways you can harness the power of your menstrual cycle:
TRACK. A cycles journal (or a printed cycle tracker) will be your best friend when you’re learning to love your cycle. Tracking symptoms like pain, cervical fluid, mood, libido, energy levels and bowel movements (yes - super important!) daily, is a great start.
Make a PERIOD BOX. Fill it with all the things you love to have when you’re on your period - bath salts, face steams, chocolate, affirmation cards - whatever you can think of! Get it out on the first day of your period every cycle and enjoy the bliss.
CLEANSE (according to your cycle). Use facial cleansers that works with your skin as it changes throughout your cycle. Hart Skincare cleansers also help you to remember to track your cycle and help you to tune in and relax. Trust me, you’ll love them!
TALK. Chat with your friends about their cycles. What symptoms do they have? When do they feel more social, less social? Do they feel like a different person in some phases, do they embrace it or hate it? When do they love to clean and tidy or mope around in their dressing gown? Ask ALL the questions (as long as they’re open to it!) & tell them how you find your cycle. Start the conversation.
REUSE. Invest in reusable period products like period undies, a menstrual cup and reusable cotton pads - brands like Modibodi, Thinx, HelloCup, JuJu and HannahPad are amazing and so helpful! Using these products can help you to normalise your bodily fluids and feel more comfortable with it, a true game changer!
Have you got another great menstrual cycle-harnessing tip? I’d love to hear! Tell me in the comments below x