How to Identify Ovulation in 3 Steps

Ovulation is a key part of your overall cycle-health and I’m here to help you identify when you’re about to ovulate so you can feel confident in knowing what’s going on with your hormones.

This can help you to figure out when your next period is coming, EVEN if you’re irregular (read HERE for more on this), and helps you to identify if you’re ovulating or not (read THIS blog for more on the benefits of ovulating whether you want kids or not!).

3 ways you can identify Ovulation:

  1. Check your cervical fluid!

    Your cervical fluid is similar to egg whites for a few days leading up to ovulation. (Try stretching your cervical mucus between your fingers next time you see that clear gooey stuff in your undies, pre-ovulation it should be really stretchy and not break!).

  2. You feel SUPER aroused. Sex is GOOOOOOD and you feel sociable and flirtatious.

Hart Skincare Ovulation Phase Cleanser Luteal Laura Vanags Photography

3. You notice a consistent temp. rise for the 3 days post-ovulation when you’re using the Fertility Awareness Method and taking your Basal Body Temperature daily. (This is great for confirming that you’ve ALREADY ovulated).

Did you learn something new about your *incredible* body today? Tell me what surprised you in the comments!