WTH is Oil Cleansing?

Laura Vanags Photography

Oil cleansing is a gentle way to remove makeup or replace your regular cleanser. Oil cleansing is an age-old method of cleansing the skin with oil to remove impurities in the pores without drying the skin. You’ll notice that your skin’s oil levels don’t fluctuate so dramatically throughout the day & your skin will feel cleansed and gently nourished. Hart Skincare’s Cycle Cleanser Collection is (of course) our fave!

Why you might try oil cleansing:

-Great for balancing oil production if you get very oily or very dry skin

-Reduces the appearance of blackheads

-Gentle, even on sensitive skin

-Hart Skincare’s oil cleansers are all-natural. No water = no preservatives.

-No foaming action. Water-based cleansers need to foam in order to lift the natural oils from your skin and ‘cleanse’ your face. Oil-based cleansers can lift the impurities from your skin by working with your natural oils and lifting out the dirt from your pores without removing your skin’s natural oil barrier.

-Relaxing - no scrubbing means that you can feel relaxed and at ease when you’re using your oil cleansers, a beautiful self-care ritual.

Oil cleansers are Hart Skincare’s main focus for a reason - they’re wonderful for any skin type & ours are fully natural and environmentally conscious, using organic ingredients and glass packaging. Try oil cleansing with our Cycle Cleanser Collection & a face cloth, we promise you won’t look back!